During grilloperation the oven always hasto be
closed.Whengrilling,do notleavethe appliance
Setthe function switchtothe selected grilling function.
Which grilling function istoselectdependson the
amountand the heightof the grill food.
Thetemperaturecan be adapted tothe particularfood,
asthe oven thermostatholdsthe temperaturewithin
the setrange also during grill operations.
Forspecialadvicesof function selection, temperature
setting and runnerlevelpleasesee the grilling charts.
Infrared grill
Forsmall amountsof flatmeataswell asforchicken
halves,placedinthe middle partof the wireshelf. Tem-
peraturefrom210 to 275 oC.
Large surface grill
Forflatitemstobe grilled,halfchickens,etc.on the fully
chargedwireshelf. Thisfunction combinesthe infrared
grill withtop heat.
Temperaturefrom210to 275 oC.
such as steaks,chops,sausages, fish,etc.
Astheradiation heatcan brown onlythe surface of the
grillfood,same hastobeturnedoveraftersometime.
The large--surfacegrill functions can,moreover
be used:
forthe overbaking of toast,
forthe overflaming ofmarzipane oricecream
forthe crustation ofsoufflés.
The grill food hastobeinserted on the wireshelf, de-
pending on height, intorunner4or5.The distanceto-
wardthe grill heating elementcan be varied byinser-
ting the wireshelfwithits convexityeitherturned
upward ordownward.
Donotinsert flatgrill food too close beneaththe heating
element. Drip pan hasto be inserted inrunnerlevel1