Application of the oven functions

Top-and bottomheat

Heating elementesinstalled underthe oven bottom
and at the oven ceiling respectiveleygive off radiant
heattothe food.Anytemperature between 50 and 275
oCcan be set.
Baking and roasting using top and bottomheatisonly
possible atone level.

Top heat

The radiantheat fromthe elementat the oven ceiling
isused forfollow-up baking,overbaking and gratina-
ting.180 oCcan be reached atmaximum.


The heating elementunderthe oven bottomgivesoff
radiantheattothe itemstobecooked.Thefunction can
be set forfollow-up baking and incrustation on the
sheet. 180 oCcan be reached atmaximum.


Theoven isheated by circulating hotair.The fan at the
ovenback wall intensivelymovesthe hotairinthe oven
and thusensureseven cooking.Anytemperaturebet-
ween 50 and 275 oCcan be selected.
Depending on the food you can use up to 3 runnerle-