Switch--off automatism
=terminatesthecooking duration setbyautoma-
tic switch--offof the oven
.Itemstobecooked to be putintothe oven.
.Set function and temperatureswitch
.Push programbutton
.and set thedesired duration ofcooking
by setting buttons and .
During the sequence of the duration ofcooking sym-
bolsandAUTOarelighting up.Youmay check inthe
displaythe remaining duration ofcooking with button
and the switch--offtimewith button
Corrections:push button and the duration ofcoo-
king setcan be varied withsetting buttonsand .
Afterexpiration of the duration ofcooking the oven is
automatically swithced off. The triplesignaltone
resaounds,goesoutand AUTOflashes.
.Press any setting button.The sound signalis
switched off, AUTOgoesout.
Theoven isnowreadyagainfor manualcooking opera-
tion orfornewautomatic setting.
Aslongas symbolflashes anyfurtherovenset-
tingswill remainineffictive.Then push button .
Switch--on /-off automatismSTOP
=switcheson the oven functionsatalatertime
andautomaticallyendsthemafter required dura-
tion ofcooking
.Itemstobecooked to be putintothe oven.
.Set function switch and temperatureselector.
.Push programbutton
.and set thedesired duration ofcooking
by setting buttons and
.Then push programbutton
.and set the switch-off time(the expected
meal--ready--time)with bottoms and .