Withbuilt--infurniturethe plastic coating orthe veneer
respectivelyand the glue used mustbe temperature--
resistantup to 95°C.
Unsuitable plastic coating and non--heat--resistant
gluesarethereason forpossible deformation and loo-
sening of the coating.When in doubtcheck withthe
manufacturerof the built--infurniture.
Withregardtothe protection againstoverheating of
surrounding furnituresurfacesthisappliancecorres-
pondstotypeY.Thisapplianceorthe built--incupboard
forthe appliancerespectivelymaybe located withthe
rearwalland one side wall towhateverhigh wallsorfur-
niturerespectivelyand withthe otherside to another
appliance orfurniture of the same heightasthis
Priortoconnection itshould be checked whetherthe
voltage stated on the type plate--i.e. the nominalvol-
tage of the appliance--isidentical withthe prevailing
mains voltage.The type plateistlocated on the lower
oven frame at the left side and is visible afteropening
of the oven door.
Ovenwithcordand plug :
put the plug intoabyan expertinstalled socket.
Connection tothemainsterminal:
Themains connection mustbe carried outbyan expert
electrician.The VDE--regulationsand the valid pre-
scriptionsbythelocalpowersupplyboardshaveto be
complied with.
Accordingto existing mains voltage the appliancesare
to be connected incorrespondencewiththe following
Theheating elementvoltage amountsto 230V.The
appliancewill also perfectlyperform withthe former
mains voltage of220 V.
Themains connection mustbe carried outin a waythat
an all--poleisolatingdeviceisexisting withacontact
leakage circuit--breakerorfuse.
Awireof type H05VV--Forofhigherrating isto beused
as supply cable.
The mainsterminal islocated at the back of the
appliance behindacovering slide.
Theprotectiveconductoristo be connected toterminal
.The bridgesof the terminalboard areto be chan-
ged accordingly,ifneedbe.
The cable connectionshave to be establishedas
prescribedandtheterminalscrewsbefirmlytigh -
tened.Afterwardsthe supply cable hasto be secured
by strainreliefdevice.



back ofappliance


AC 230 V/AC 400 V


Anschlußje nachAngabe
