Print Options

These options allow you to select high speed printing or MicroWeave, which gives you higher quality output.

High speed (IXI = on, Cl = off)

MicroWeave (IXl = on, 0 = off)

High Speed

When you select this option, the printer prints in both directions. Bi-directional printing is fast, but for highest quality printing, always turn off High Speed.


If the vertical lines in printing appear misaligned when you print with High Speed, you may need to calibrate the printer as described in Chapter 1, “Setting Up. II

Micro Weave

When MicroWeave is selected, your printer generates superior output because sections are printed in finer increments. This reduces the possibility of banding-light horizontal lines in graphics. EPSON recommends you use special coated paper or transparency film when you use MicroWeave.


MicroWeave is recommended for printing in color. You can select MicroWeave for Monochrome printing to reduce banding, but the printing time is significantly longer.

Printing with Windows 3-17