If you don’t need the other network ports, disable them by deselecting their checkboxes. If more than one network port is enabled, the projector software warns you to turn off AirPort when you first connect the projector. Disregard this message.
Your AirPort network and base station names may be different. To check or change your AirPort network name, start the AirPort Admin utility, select your base station, and click Configure. Click Show All Settings, then make any changes you want on the AirPort tab.
If you’re connecting to your projector in static IP mode, deselect the Distribute IP addresses checkbox. Make sure your projector’s gateway address is identical to the base station’s IP address, and the first three segments of the projector’s IP address are identical to the first three segments of the base station’s IP address.
3. Make sure Location is set to Automatic.
Select Network Port
Then select AirPort
4.Select Network Port Configurations in the Show
5.Under Port Configurations, select AirPort.
6.Click Apply Now. Then close the window.
7.Start the AirPort Admin utility. Select your base station, then click Configure.
8.On the AirPort tab, make sure your AirPort network name matches your projector’s ESSID. If not, enter the projector’s ESSID in the AirPort Network text box and click Update.
9.If you turned DHCP on in your projector’s advanced menu, click the Network tab and make sure the Distribute IP addresses checkbox is selected. If you need to select it, click Update.
66Presenting Through a Wireless Network