Exiting SETUP
When you leave SETUP, you can save your settings and reboot your system, or exit SETUP without saving your settings. You can also return all values to the factory defaults.
To leave SETUP, press ESC from any SETUP screen. From the Exiting SETUP menu, you can press these keys:
Esc Returns to SETUP
F4 Saves the changes you have made to your configuration and restarts your computer
F5 Supplies the factory default values for all options
F6 Exits SETUP and returns to the system prompt without saving any changes.
Post-SETUP Procedures
After you run SETUP for the first time, you may need to install the operating system if your system is not preconfigured. Make sure your hard disk drive is partitioned and formatted for the operating system you plan to install. See your operating system manual for instructions.
Once you have installed your operating system, install any software you plan to use. See your application program manuals for instructions.
Setting Up Your System |