Turn off the monitor’s power, wait five seconds, and turn it back on.
If the light still does not come on, check the electrical outlet for power. Turn off your monitor and unplug it from the outlet. Then plug a lamp into the wall outlet and turn it on. If the light turns on, your monitor may be faulty.
Diskette ProblemsYou see a diskette error message.Reinsert the diskette, making sure you insert it all the way. If the drive has a latch, turn it down to secure the diskette.
Also, check to see that you have inserted the right type of diskette in the drive. For example, make sure you are not inserting a
If reinserting the diskette does not solve the problem, insert the diskette in another diskette drive of the same type. If you can read the diskette in a different drive, your drive may be faulty.
The diskette is the tight type, but you still see an errorCheck that the diskette is not
Make sure the diskette is formatted. See your operating system documentation for instructions on formatting diskettes.
You may have a defective diskette. Try copying the files from the bad diskette to a new diskette.