Install MonacoSCAN 2.6
This utility lets you create a unique input profile for your scanner, which you can use with all
If You’re Running Windows. . .
1.Turn on your computer and make sure no applications are open.
2.Insert the EPSON Expression 836XL Scanning Tools
3.Click Start, Run, then use the Browse function to go to D:\ MonacoScan 2.6 (where D: is your
4.When you see the message about installing MonacoSCAN, click Yes. The install program starts.
5.At the first installation screen, click Next. You see the software license agreement.
6.Read the agreement and click Yes.
7.Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
8.When you see the Setup Complete window, click Finish.
Follow the instructions in your online MonacoSCAN User’s Guide to use the program.