Scanning for

Professional Results

The EPSON® Expression® 836XL is a 36-bit, large-format professional scanner designed to deliver superior results for artists, graphics professionals, and business graphics users. Using EPSON’s ColorTrue® Imaging System, the scanner captures images with amazing detail and accurate colors. Its 800 × 1600 dpi optical resolution and tabloid-size scan bed (12.2 × 17.2 inches) let you scan incredibly sharp images from practically any source. The scanner includes a state-of-the art PCI SCSI interface board for use in a Windows® system or Macintosh.®

About Your Scanner

Your EPSON Expression 836XL scanner includes the following features:

Superior image quality with true optical resolution of 800 × 1600 dpi

36-bit color depth for capturing images with over 68 billion colors and 4,096 shades of gray

3.3 Dmax provides high dynamic range for accurate colors with subtle tones and gradations, whether you’re working with transparencies or reflective art

Superior speed (approximately 10 seconds for the average 12 × 17-inch preview)

Unique auto focusing feature that lets you customize the focus position

Powerful batch scanning capability. Scan newspapers, X-rays, and books in one pass and create different scan settings for each, or scan directly to files

Optional transparency adapter (TPU) and auto document feeder (ADF)