276 Index
4.x, 134, 135, 140, 142
5.x, 135, 142, 148
6.0, 135, 142, 148
Network status sheet, 250
OOperating environment, 13
PPassword for
EpsonNet MacAssist, 95
EpsonNet WebAssist, 232
EpsonNet WinAssist, 76
PCONSOLE, 135, 148
Ping, 263
Print Server mode, 64, 132, 134, 135,
159, 224
Protocols, 13
Public Access Printers, 152, 158
RRemote Printer mode, 69, 132, 135, 140,
142, 159, 225
Reset, 208, 232
Return to default button, 59, 89, 232
RJ-45 connector, 16
Router, 42, 48, 203
SSAP Name, 155
Search options, 54, 56, 85, 86
Setting the IP address, 39, 45, 200, 258,
Subnet mask, 42, 48, 203
TTCP/IP, 40, 46, 201
Timeout option, 53, 84
UUniversal Plug and Play, 44, 50, 204
UNIX, configure for different OS, 164
Using the printer with
Macintosh, 121
NetWare, 131
OS/2, 124
UNIX, 163
Windows 2000, 112
Windows Me/98/95, 101
Windows NT 4.0, 118
Windows XP, 105
ZZone, 72, 93