
Possible cause


The interface cable is not

Turn off your printer and computer. Then make sure the cable is

securely connected.

connected securely and meets the printer’s specifications.



You’re using a switch box

Connect the printer directly to your computer and try printing

with your printer.




Your video driver may be

Try using a standard VGA video driver (see your computer or video

conflicting with the EPSON

card documentation for instructions on changing video drivers). If

printer driver (Windows

your printout is correct, your video driver is interfering with the


printer driver. Contact your computer or video card manufacturer to


see if an updated driver is available.



The margins are incorrect

Possible cause


Margins are set incorrectly

Check your software documentation for instructions on selecting

in your software

the correct margins for your paper size. Make sure the margins are


within the printable area of the page. See Appendix B for more





Paper settings in the printer software are incorrect for your paper size.

Select the correct paper settings for your paper size. Make sure the Printable Area setting is correct for your project. See Chapters 1 and 3 for more information.

The image is inverted, as if viewed in a mirror

Possible cause




You used a Flip Horizontal option in your application software or the printer software.

Turn off the Flip Horizontal or mirror setting in your application software or the printer software. See page 2-4 for information.

A portion of your image doesn’t print (Macintosh)

Possible cause


Your system doesn’t have

Close any other applications you are running or turn off

enough available memory.

background printing.



You may need to increase

Choose Get Info from the File menu and increase the memory

the memory allocation for

requirements. See page 4-14 for more information. If this doesn’t

your application, EPSON

work, turn off background printing (you won’t be able to use

Monitor3, or both.

EPSON Monitor3).


