
The “SP 700 cannot be used” message appears (Macintosh)

Possible cause


The printer software has

Remove and reinstall the printer software as described on

been corrupted.

page 6-5. Then, in the Extensions Manager, disable Quick Draw


GX. Select SP 700 in the Chooser, enable Monitor3, and restart


your Macintosh.



Your printer icon doesn’t appear in the Chooser (Macintosh)

Possible cause


Your system has extension

In the Extensions Manager, disable Quick Draw GX. Choose


SP 700 in the Chooser, make sure EPSON Monitor3 is enabled,


then restart your Macintosh.



You sent several print jobs, but none are printing (Macintosh)

Possible cause


The print queue is on hold.

In the EPSON Monitor3 dialog box, select Start print queue from


the Printer menu to release the queue and resume printing.



You get a type 39 error on the Macintosh

Possible cause


The printer driver is

Delete and reinstall the printer driver as described on page 6-6.





You cannot print on a Windows NT 4.0 network

Possible cause


Your printer is not set up

You may need to use a different network path and printer port.

correctly as a remote

Select a different port in the printer’s Properties windows and


enter the new network path to your printer at the DOS prompt.


Then restart your computer. See your Windows NT


documentation for instructions on changing the printer port and


network path.


