Custom Printing

Windows 3.1

You can only create one User Defined paper size. Type the width in the Paper Width field and the length in the Paper Height field. Then click OK.

5.You see the Paper tab again. The paper size name you defined is added to the Paper Size list and selected as the current setting. (In Windows 3.1, the setting is named User Defined.)

Changing or Deleting User Defined Paper Sizes

Follow these steps to delete or change paper sizes:

Windows 95 or Windows NT

1.Click User Defined in the Paper Size list.

2.On the User Defined Paper Size dialog box, select the custom paper name in the Paper Size list and click Delete or change the Paper Width, Paper Height, and/or Unit settings as necessary.

3.Click the Save button to save any changes, and click OK when you’re done.

Windows 3.1

You can change the custom paper size, but cannot delete it.

1.Click User Defined in the Paper Size list.

2.On the User Defined Paper Size dialog box, change the Paper Width and Paper Height settings as necessary.

3.Click OK when you’re done.
