24 Fine-tuning the Projector
Using the Projector’s Menu SystemThe projector menus let you adjust and customize many projector
■The Video menu controls the look and quality of the projecte d
image. It offers several ways to adjust the color (including the
black and white levels) and fine-tune the sharpness of the image.
■The Advanced menu lets you change signals from interlaced
mode to progressive conversion mode, adjust motion detection,
turn on noise reduction, and select the video input signal.
■With the Setting menu, you can correct keystone distortion,
select the blank screen color, enable/disable the startup screen,
choose the projection method (front, rear, ceiling), select the
language, and change the sleep mode setting.
■The About menu provides information about lamp status and
computer or video settings.
■The Reset All menu lets you restore the factory defaults for all the
projector settings.
You can use the buttons on the control panel or remote control to
access the menus and change settings. Follow the steps below when
changing any settings using the full menus. If you want to use the line
menu to change one of the video settings see “Changing Video
Settings Using the Line Menu” on page 26.