
The printout is not


what you expected.


The typestyle or

The software may not be correctly

characters that are set

installed for your printer. Use the

by software cannot be

program’s setup (or install) procedure to


check the printer settings on your


computer’s display, then reset as needed.

The printer prints a

Your printer and the computer may not

series of strange

be communicating correctly. Make sure


that you are using the correct interface


cable and that the communication


protocol is correct. See your computer’s


manual for more information. You can


also use your printer’s data dump mode


to check the data being sent from the


computer. (In data dump mode, an extra


printout of the codes reaching the


pritner is produced.)

Italic characters are

The wrong character table may be

printed instead of the

selected. If your application program is

selected graphic

capable of sending control codes, specify

“line” characters.

the EPSON Extended Graphics character


table using ESC t 1. If settings cannot be


performed using control codes, set the


CG TABLE option of SelecType to


Graphic. Refer to 3-14.



Troubleshooting 7-7