Index |223
LLanguage, control panel, 161 to 162
Mac OS X 10.4 options,
126 to 129
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5 options,
113 to 116
Windows options, 99 to 100
LCD display icons, 19
LFP Remote Panel, 55 to 56
Lights, control panel, 19, 176,
213 to 215
cut sheet paper, 73 to 74
roll paper, 59 to 68
checking printer status, 151 to 152
color management, 141 to 145
installing software, 51 to 54
system requirements, 13 to14
uninstalling software, 193, 194
Mac OS X 10.4
basic print options, 129 to 131
borderless printing, 112,
126 to 128
canceling print jobs, 138
color management, 132 to 133
ColorSync settings, 132
custom paper size, 126to 129
custom preset, 136 to 137
Media Type setting, 130,
139 to 140
monitoring print jobs, 138
page setup options, 126 to 129
paper configuration settings,
133 to 134
roll paper settings, 134 to 135
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5
advanced media control settings,
119to 120
basic print options, 113to 118
borderless printing, 112,
113to 116
canceling print jobs, 125
custom paper size, 113 to 116
custom preset, 124
Media Type setting, 117,
139to 140
monitoring print jobs, 125
page setup options, 113to 116
roll paper settings, 121to 122
Maintenance, 149 to 170
Maintenance menu, 156, 162
Maintenance mode, 161 to 162
Maintenance tank
checking status, 149 to 152
ordering, 12
replacing, 166 to 167
Manuals, how to use, 11
default, 201
incorrect, 187
printing without, 93 to 98,
112to 116
Media tracking, setting up, 61
Media Type
Mac OS X 10.4, 130, 139 to 140
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 117,
139to 140
Windows, 88, 100 to 103
Memory, requirements, 13
Custom Paper, 82 to 84,
219to 220
Head Alignment, 157, 220
Maintenance, 156, 162, 218
Network Setup, 220
Printer Setup, 154, 217
Printer Status, 55, 150 to 151, 218
setting summary, 217 to 220
Test Print, 150, 218