Example System Application
The diagram below shows an example system application utilizing eight VNC 200 units.
Four are configured as encoders (sources) and four as decoders (displays). Each device is
connected to the network.
Configuration of each device, including which source is displayed on which display, can
be achieved by any PC or laptop on the same network using the VNC 200 integrated web
management system.
Figure 4. Using the VN 200 Matrix to Integrate a Web Management System
In this example, each of the four sources is shown separately on the four displays.
Potentially however, any display can broadcast any source.
Data Transport MethodsSource data from a VNC 200 or a VNE 200 encoder can be distributed to multiple displays/
decoders (one-to-many) or to a single display/decoder (point-to-point).
Video data is transported from the source (encoder) to the display (decoder) using one of
three methods:
• Multicast RTP
• Unicast RTP
• Unicast TCP
A description of each method, together with its advantages and disadvantages, can be
found on the next few pages.
VN-Matrix 200 Series • Introduction 5