3. The Serial Port Control options are shown below.
4. Using the mode drop-down menu select the client option (note that this will reveal the
destination box).
5. Using the destination drop-down menu select passthrough for the appropriate
6. Change the other settings as required, then click the Save All tab.
Serial / Telnet Commands
The following commands can be used to provide basic remote control of a VN 200 system.
Commands can be issued either as part of a serial remote control configuration or by
using a Telnet application via the network.
In either case, a control session must first be initiated by sending a valid username and
All commands must be terminated with a new line character (carriage return not required).
In programs such as Telnet, this is accomplished by pressing the Enter key.

Control Session Commands

user <username>
Initiates a user login. To be able to change system settings you must login using the
“admin” user account.
Example: user admin
pass <password>
Specifies the password for the user account. By default this will be ‘admin’ but may have
been changed using the web interface (see “Changing User Login Passwords”).
Example: pass admin
Terminates the current remote control session.
VN-Matrix 200 Series • Serial Transport and Control Methodsl 47