(server) (client)
Data input to the server is sent to the
outputs of all clients simultaneously.
Data input to each client is sent to the
server output. Simultaneous data input
is processed on a "first in first out" basis.
Serial ports on each VN 200 need not share a common baud rate. However, where a
large amount of data is sent from a high speed to a low speed data link, some form of
handshaking or flow control may be required to prevent buffer overflow on the output
device. Standard flow control methods are fully supported.
Any number of serial passthrough groups may exist on the same network. To set up a
serial passthrough group, see “Setting Up a Serial Passthrough Group.”
Setting Up a Serial Passthrough Group1. Decide which VN 200 unit will be the server in the passthrough group and which
will be the client(s), and connect your serial devices to the VN 200 RS-232 ports
Remember, communication can only take place between server and client(s), not
between clients.
2. Login to the web interface (see “VNC 200 Web Interface”).
3. From the Device List page, click on the device you want to configure as the server.
4. From the Device page, click the Peripherals tab to display the following:
Figure 37. Peripherals Page
5. Using the mode drop-down menu select the server option.
6. Change the other settings as required, then click the Save All tab.
Then, for each client in the group…
1. Return to the Device List page (by clicking on the Device List tab).
2. Click on the device you want to configure as a client, then click the Peripherals tab.
VN-Matrix 200 Series • Serial Transport and Control Methodsl 46