Serial Transport and Control Methods
This section describes the following:
• Overview
• Setting Up a Serial Passthrough Group
• Serial/Telnet Commands
• Data Stream Mode
Routing of external serial (RS-232) communications can be achieved between any VN 200
units on the same network.
Serial traffic can be:
• Unidirectional as part of a source stream (encoder to decoder)
• Data Stream Mode (licensed option)
• Bi-directional and independent of any source stream
• Passthrough Mode.
In addition, serial commands can be sent via any VN 200 device to the VN 200 controller,
allowing dynamic control of system parameters (Remote Control Mode).

Passthrough Mode

In this mode, data received by a device (input) is transmitted using TCP/IP over the network
and then converted back to serial data by a device (output). Data flow is fully bi-directional
and totally independent of whether a VN 200 is configured as an encoder or decoder.
One device within a passthrough group is designated as a server. One or more devices are
then connected as clients (in passthrough mode):
VN-Matrix 200 Series • Serial Transport and Control Methods 45