Alarms Page
The Alarms screen enables a user to define and monitor system alarms.
Figure 52. Alarms Page

Filter Settings

The Filter settings section allows the default settings for each alarm type to be modified.
• Alarm Type — Select the particular alarm that is to have its default setting changed.
• Alarm Source — Select the device on which the alarm is to change.
• Alarm Severity Set the alarm severity. Each alarm condition has a default
severity which may be overwritten using the filter controls. Note that the default
setting is listed in this drop-down list is independent of any changes that have been
made to the alarm severity.
• Alarm Reporting Set the alarm to be either “reporting” or “not reporting”.
Each alarm condition has a default reporting setting. Note that the default setting is
listed in this drop-down menu list is independent of any changes that have been made
to the alarm reporting.
VN-Matrix 200 Series • Alarms and SNMP 86