Alarm Type Description - Decoder
Alarm Type Description Action Default settings
Decoder Alarm
No decoder video
Indicates that there is a valid
connection, no video data
present. Usually accompanied by
“no source data stream” message
in the web interface.
Warning, reporting
No decoder mode No matching decoder mode for
the incoming stream.
Warning, reporting
No source report Unable to detect the format of
the received data stream.
Warning, reporting
Recovered audio Warning, reporting
No decoder audio
Warning, reporting
Bad audio at decoder Warning, reporting
Bad audio PLL Warning, reporting
Video network
packets dropped
Excessive network packet loss has
Warning, reporting
Decoder buffer
The incoming data rate is high;
reduce the pipeline delay.
Warning, reporting
Decoder buffer
The incoming data rate is too low;
increase the pipeline delay.
Warning, reporting
Bad video PLL The decoder cannot synchronize
to the video data.
Warning, reporting
No decoder ANC data The decoder is not receiving any
embedded audio (ancillary) data.
Warning, reporting
Missing ANC at
The Decoder is receiving poor
quality ANC data.
Warning, reporting
Recovered ANC Error correction has recovered
corrupted / missing ANC.
Warning, reporting
Alarm Type description - Controller
Alarm Type Description Action Default Settings
Bad device The controller is unable to contact
the specified device. The device is
not available or has failed.
Note that this alarm is only
generated on the controller.
Check the device in
Is power applied?
Is the network cable /
connection present?
Has the unit been
Critical, reporting
VN-Matrix 200 Series • Alarms and SNMP 90