1. Connect power to the VNC 200 or, if already connected, cycle the power off then on.
2. The VNC 200 will start sending setup/diagnostic data which should appear in the
HyperTerminal window. After a few seconds, this will conclude with a display similar
to this:
VN Matrix(R) Maintenance Console: ver3.1c
(none) login: ThorPci Init
registering plx interrupt routine = D17F89FC, -780166896
Hello kernel
thor_init_module: pre-ioremap
thor_init_module: post-ioremap
Hello kernel, this is MK registering
registering plx interrupt routine = D296BD30, 0
3. Press the <Enter> key. The VNC 200 should respond with the following login prompt:
VN Matrix™ Maintenance Console: ver3.1c login:
NOTE: The login prompt will be preceded by the current IP address of the unit.
4. Type: config <Enter>
5. When prompted for a password type config followed by the <Enter> key. The
following menu of options will then appear:
Network Port 1 Network Port 2
0. Speed/Duplex: auto_10_100_1000 10. Speed/Duplex: auto_10_100_1000
1. Boot method: static [dhcp] 11. Boot method: static [dhcp]
2. Address: 12. Address:
3. Netmask: 13. Netmask:
4. Gateway: 14. Gateway:
5. Broadcast: 15. Broadcast:
6. MTU: 1500 16. MTU: 1500
7. Controller IP: 17. IP forwarding: 0
8. Controller port: 5432 18. Webserver port: 80
9. Exit
NOTE: The IP address details shown above are for illustration only and do not
represent values that will work in a particular application.
The following table describes the menu options in greater detail.
6. Change the settings as required by typing the option number followed by the <Enter>
key. Then type the new value followed by the <Enter> key.
For example, to change the Network Port 1 IP address to
Type: 2 <Enter>, then type: <Enter>
NOTE: Do not include any leading zeros when typing IP addresses.
For example, type and not
VN-Matrix 200 Series • Installation 16