to the time stamp parameter.The display will briefly show “ti Sta” then the
time stamp state which is either ON or OFF.Use the Uand Dbuttons to
change the state and press Enter.ON enables transmission of the time stamp
and OFF disables it.
The timestamp can also be set using the “ST” communications command. The
command ST=ON<EOS> enables the time stamp and ST=OF<EOS> disables
The clock and time stampparameters affect the time stamp of data read through
both the RS-232 and IEEE-488 interfaces.
7.1.4 Duplex Mode and Linefeed
Commands sentto the 1504 through the RS-232 interface are normally echoed
back to ther emotedevice. To disable this feature set the duplex option to half
instead of full.The duplex parameter is found in the Comm menu after the
sample period parameter.The display will briefly indicate “dUPL”andthen
display the current duplexsetting. Use the Uand Dbuttons to set duplex to
Duplexcan also be set using the “DU” communications command. The com-
mand DU=H<EOS> setsduplex to half and DU=F<EOS> sets duplex to full.
Transmissionsfrom the 1504 through the RS-232 interface are normally fol-
lowedby a linefeed character (ASCII decimal 10). The linefeed character can
be disabled by setting the linefeed “LF” parameter to “OFF”. The linefeed pa-
rameter isfound in the Comm menu after the duplex parameter. The display
will briefly indicate “LF” and then display the current linefeedsetting. Use the
Uand Dbuttons to set linefeed “On”or“OFF”thenpressEnter.
The linefeed can also be setusing the “LF” communications command. The
command LF=OF<EOS> disables the linefeed character and LF=ON<EOS>
enables it.
7.2 GPIB InterfaceThe 1504 is availablewith an optional IEEE-488 (GPIB) port. The IEEE-488
interfaceis useful when one computer needs to control and collect data from
manyinstruments simultaneously. The IEEE-488 connector is located on the
back panel of the 1504 abovethe RS-232 connector. To eliminate noise, the
GPIB cableshould be shielded.
The 1504 is equipped with basic communication capabilitiesas specified in
IEEE-488.1. The particular capabilities of the IEEE-488 interface are AH1,
SH1, T6, L4, DC1 (TE0, LE0, SR0, RL0, PP0, DT0). Refer to “IEEE Std
488.1-1987". The 1504 can talk and listen and acceptsthe DCL and SDC clear
commands. The 1504 does notrespond to trigger (GET), serial poll, parallel
poll,or remote/localcommands and is not capable of talk-only mode.
7 Digital Communications Interface
GPIB Interface