Symbol Description
CanadianStandards Association
OVERVOLTAGE(Installation) CATEGORY II, PollutionDegree 2 per IEC1010-1 re-
fersto the level of Impulse Withstand Voltage protectionprovided. Equipment of
OVERVOLTAGECATEGORY II is energy-consuming equipment to be supplied from
thefixed installation. Examples include household, office, and laboratory appliances.
C-TICAustralian EMC mark
TheEuropean Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
(2002/96/EC) mark.
1.2 Safety InformationUse this instrument only as specified in this manual. Otherwise, the protection
provided by the instrument may be impaired. Refer to the safety information in
Sections1.2.1 and 1.2.2.
The followingdefinitions apply to the terms “Warning” and “Caution”.
•“Warning” identifies conditions and actions that may pose hazards to the
•“Caution” identifies conditions and actions that may damage the instru-
ment being used.
1.2.1 Warnings
To avoid possible electric shock or personal injury, follow these guidelines.
DO NOToperate this unit without a properly grounded, properly polarized
DO NOTconnect this unit to a non-grounded, non-polarized outlet.
DO NOTuse this unit for any application other than calibration work .
DO NOTuse this unit in environments other than those listed in the user's
DO NOTuse this instrument in combination with any probe to measure the
temperatureor resistance of any device where the probe might come in contact
with a conductor thatis electrically energized. Severe electric shock, personal
injury,or death may occur.
If thisequipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the
protectionprovided by the equipment may be impaired.
1504 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide