when all thedigits are correct. If the password is entered correctly the first pa-
rameter inthe menu will appear.
6.4 Selecting the Probe CharacterizationBefore the 1504 can measure temperature accurately it must knowhow to cal-
culate temperature from the resistance of the sensor.You must enter the proper
characterization coefficients.The co efficientsare determined when the p robe is
Twotypes of characterizations can be used with the 1504: Steinhart-Hart and
6.4.1 Setting the Probe Characterization Type
The probe characterization type and characterization coefficientsare set in the
Probemenu. Press the Menu/Enter button (“SEt? ” appears), then the
C/Probebutton. The menu name, “ProbE”, will appear briefly then the char-
acterization type. The probe characterization typesare indicated on the display
as follows:
Pr= thr Steinhart-Hart thermistor
Pr= rtd Callendar-Van Dusen RTD
Select the desired probe characterization type using the Uand Dbuttons
and pressing the Menu/Enter button.After the characterization type is se-
lected the characterization coefficientsfo llow.
6.4.2 Setting the Characterization Coefficients
Probe characterization coefficients are setw ithin the Probemenu after select-
ing the probe characterization type. Each coefficientappears with the name of a
coefficientshown briefly followed by its value. The mantissa with its sign ap-
pears first(positive sign appears as “+”).
Use theLand Rbuttons to move between the digits (and the sign).
The selected digit will flash.Use the Uand Dbuttons to change a
digit.Once the sign and digits are correct, press Enter to accept the num-
ber.If you decide to cancel any changes you have made, you may do so by
pressing the /Exit button. This will immediately skip to the next coefficient.
The exponentof the coefficient is set after the mantissa.
6 General Operation
Selecting the Probe Characterization