Bn=<value><EOS> setsb0,b1,b2, or b3for the thermistor characterization.
nis a number from 0 to 3. Testing the Characterization
The followingcommand can be used to test the probe characterization:
CO=<value><EOS> returns a temperature calculated from resistance
The 1504 willrespond witha temperature value computed from the given resis-
tance value.Th etemp erature is givenin the currently selected unit. As an ex-
ample, if the Callendar-VanDusen characterization is selected with IEC-751
coefficientsand the selected unit is Celsius, sending this command with a resis-
tancevalue of 138.5 will return a temperature value of 100.0°C.
7.3.3 Sample CommandsThe following commands ralate to the measurement process. Setting the Filter
The filter helps to reduce variations in the measurements. The filter can be set
remotelyusing the command:
FI=<value><EOS> sets the filter time constant
FI=0<EOS> disables the filter
The valueis the filter time constant in seconds. It must be between 0 and 60 in-
clusive.A value of 0 disables the filter. Setting the Power Saver
Activatingthe power saver can conserve power which is an advantage when op-
erating froma battery. The power saver causes the display to blank if no front
panel buttonsare pressed for a given number of minutes. The power saver can
be set using the commands:
PS=<value><EOS> sets the power saver time in minutes
PS=0<EOS> or PS=OF<EOS> disables the power saver
The valueis the power saver time-out period in minutes. It must be between 0
and 60 inclusive.It is automatically rounded to a multiple of five minutes. A
valueof 0 o r OFF disables the power saver.
7.3.4 Communication CommandsThe following commands relate to external communications.
1504 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide