to pins4 and 5. (Pins 1 and 5 source current and pins 2 and 4 sense the poten-
tial.)If a shield wire is present it should be connected to pin 3.
A two-wireprobe can also be used with the 1504. It is connected by attaching
one wireto both pins 1 and 2 of the plug and the other wire to both pins 4 and
5. If a shieldwire is present it should be connected to pin 3. Accuracy may be
significantlydegraded using a two-wire connection because of lead resistance.
4.4 DC Power OptionWiththe DC power option (Model 2502) installed the 1504 can be powered
from a 12 V batteryor other 12 V DC power source. The DC power socket is
located on the rear panel of the 1504 abovethe AC power jack. The 1504 ac-
cepts a7/32 inch diameter, two-conductor DC power plug such as Switchcraft®
PN. 760. Observethe correct polarity as shown in Figure 2. The outside con-
1504 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide
Figure1 Connecting a four-wire probe