Fortress Bridge: Command-Line Interface
91 Changing Bridge GUI Passwords in the CLI
NOTE: Passwords
should be a mini-
mum of eight charac-
ters long and contain a
mix of upper and lower-
case letters and numer-
Which GUI password is set depends upon the username
argument: admin sets the administrator password, operator,
the view-only password. Use the set passwd command, as
set passwd web {admin|operator}
Enter Current Password:
Enter New Password:
Re-enter New Password:
NOTE: Usernames
are predeter-
mined for all Fortress
Bridge interface options;
they cannot be changed.
The default Bridge GUI admin password is admin. The default
operator password is operator.
GUI passwords must be at least eight characters long.
The set passwd command is valid only in GW (gateway) mode
(refer to Section 6.1.1 for more detail). Changing the Bridge CLI Password
Use the set passwd command to change the CLI password, as
set passwd cli sysadm
Changing password for sysadm
Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters)
Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
Enter new password:
Re-enter new password:
Password changed.
The default CLI password is sysadm.
The set passwd command is valid only in GW (gateway) mode
(refer to Section 6.1.1 for more detail).
6.4.5 Security Settings in the CLISecurity settings on the Fortress Bridge include encryption
algorithm, re-keying interval, Access ID, operating mode,
enabling/disabling SSH and the Bridge GUI, and system
Except for system passwords, all security settings can be
viewed through the CLI.
Security settings are configured through the
using various options, as described in the following
subsections. Encryption Algorithm in the CLI
The encryption algorithm determines how the Bridge encodes
All of the Bridge’s Secure Clients must be configured to use the
same encryption algorithm as the Bridge. For information on
setting encryption algorithms on Secure Clients, refer to your
Fortress Secure Client user guide.