Fortress Bridge: Command-Line Interface
wlan wlanconfig -h
usage: wlanconfig wlanX create wlandev wifiX
wlanmode [sta|adhoc|ap|monitor] [bssid | -bssid]
usage: wlanconfig wlanX destroy
NOTE: Wireless
Extension Tool
scripts are included in
Fortress Bridge backup
files; restore operations
therefore overwrite the
existing script with the
one in the backup file.
6.7.1 Creating a Wireless Extension Tools Script
Configuration changes made with the iwconfig and iwpriv
WLAN Wireless Extension Tools are held in dynamic memory
and do not persist through reboots of the Bridge. You can,
however, create a script of these commands that will be run as
part of the Bridge’s bootstrap process.
When run with the write (-w) or append (-a) or arguments, the
script command supplies an input line on which you can
enter iwconfig and iwpriv commands with valid arguments.
Entering a script created with the -w argument saves the new
script (overwriting the current script, if one exists). Entering a
script created with the -a argument adds the new command(s)
and argument(s) to an existing script (without overwriting it).
script -w
Enter commands(iwpriv|iwconfig [args]) you want to run at boot time:
The script command with the -x argument executes the
command(s) in the script.
script -x
The script command returns no output when it successfully
executes, but an error message will result if it fails.
Linux Wireless Extension Tools scripts commands can only
be executed in AP (access point) mode (refer to Section 6.1.1
for more detail).
You can view any existing script by entering the script
command without arguments.
Linux Wireless Extension Tools are only available in AP
(access point) mode (refer to Section 6.1.1 for more detail).
6.8 Secure Automatic ConfigurationNOTE: You cannot
use the SAC func-
tion with versions of the
Fortress Bridge earlier
than 2.6.1.
When deploying a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint network
of Fortress Bridges that will be connected through the internal
Radio 2 interface of each Bridge, you can preconfigure the
network nodes automatically.
When a network of Bridges has been initially deployed in this
way, you can also use the secure automatic configuration
(SAC) utility to effect network-wide configuration changes from
the root Bridge, as well as to automatically configure a new
Bridge to be added to the existing network.
The Bridges in a point-to-point/multipoint network must run the
same Bridge software version.