Fortress Bridge: Configuration
Non-Root - Radios in Non-Root mode do initiate connections
with other Fortress Bridges—either directly with a root
Bridge or with other non-root Bridges (as well as receiving
connections from other non-root Bridges and wireless
Typically, one Bridge serves as the root node (or root Bridge)
and any other Bridges in the deployment are configured as
non-root nodes.
In the Bridge’s default configuration, only Radio 2 is configured
with a Radio Mode of Bridge, and it is in Root mode.
3.3.2 Radio Transmission and Reception Settings
In point-
point deployments the
radios used to connect
the networked Bridges
must be configured with
identical transmission
and reception settings.
In addition to establishing the basic uses and roles of the
Bridge’s internal radios (Section Section 3.3.1), you can
configure a number of operating parameters through the Bridge
GUI. Channel
The Channel setting selects the portion of the radio spectrum
over which the radio will communicate.
Radios in non-root bridging mode do not bind to a channel, but
rather to an SSID. The Channel setting will therefore be grayed
out for either radio with a Radio Mode setting of Bridge and a
Bridge Mode setting of Non-Root.
The channels available for a radio in AP Radio Mode or in Root
Bridge Mode are a function of the frequency band it uses.
On Radio 2 and Radio 1 when it is configured to use the
802.11a band, you can select channels 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56,
60, 64, 149, 153, 157, or 161.
On Radio 1, when it is configured to use the 802.11g band,
you can select channels 111, inclusive.
The default channel setting for Radio 1 when it is using the
802.11G band is 1; on the 802.11a band it s default setting is 36.
The default channel setting of Radio 2 is 149.
Selectable channel options for Radio 1 therefore depend on the
Radio Band selection made for it. (Radio 2 is fixed on the
802.11a band; its channel selection options do not change.) Transmit Power
The TxPower setting specifies the power level at which the
radio will transmit—from 1 to 18 dBm (decibels referenced to
milliwatts), in increments of 1 dBm—or, by selecting Auto (the
default for both radios), which configures the radio to transmit
at maximum power (26 dBm for both radios).
In environments with a dense distribution of APs (and resulting
potential for interference), it may be desirable to select a lower
TxPower setting than the default (Auto) for Radio 1 when it is
configured to use the 802.11g band. The Auto setting is
otherwise appropriate for both radios.