Fortress Bridge: Configuration
NOTE: 802.11b de-
vices are fully
compatible with the
802.11g radio.
Radio 1 is the tri-band 802.11a/b/g radio, which can be
configured as an 802.11g or an 802.11a radio. Radio 2 always
functions as an 802.11a radio.
RADIO SETTINGS fields are described in sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2.
Section 3.3.3 provides step-by-step instructions to change
3.3.1 Radio State, Band and Mode Settings
NOTE: Radio 1 uses
antenna port 1
(ANT1); Radio 2 uses an-
tenna port 2 (ANT2).
The first four settings on the RADIO SETTINGS screen determine
whether and how the radio will be used in the network
implementation. Radio State
The Radio State setting simply turns the radio On and Off. Both
radios are on by default. Radio Band
Only Radio 1 can operate on either the 802.11a, 5 Ghz band or
the 802.11g, 2.4 Ghz band, according to your selection in the
Radio Band field. By default, 802.11g is selected for Radio 1.
Radio 2 can function only on the 802.11a band. Radio Mode
Either radio can operate in either of two modes:
AP - A radio in AP mode functions exclusively as a wireless
access point, allowing connections only from wireless
devices. It does not permit connections to or from other
Fortress Bridges.
Bridge - A radio in Bridge mode functions as network bridge
in a point-to-point/multipoint network of other Fortress
Bridges, and it allows connections from wireless devices. In
Bridge mode, then, a radio can serve simultaneously as a
network bridge and as a wireless AP.
By default, Radio 1 is in AP mode and Radio 2 is in Bridge
mode. Bridge Mode
When deploying the Fortress Bridge as a wireless bridge in a
point-to-point or point-to-multipoint network—with a Radio
Mode setting of Bridge on one of the internal radios— you must
correctly configure the radio used for bridging for its network
role, by selecting one of two possible Bridge Mode settings:
NOTE: You c an
also change the
Bridge Mode of Radio 2
through the Bridge’s
front-panel switches (re-
fer to Section
Root - A radio with a Bridge Mode of Root does not initiate
connections with other Fortress Bridges. Radios in root
mode only receive connections initiated by other devices—
either from the radios of other Bridges (in Non-Root mode)
or from wireless devices.