Fortress Bridge: Troubleshooting
Chapter 8Troubleshooting
Problem Solution
You are unable to
access the Bridge GUI.
Verify the Bridge’s physical connection:
from an Ethernet port on a computer or a network switch to one of the
Bridge’s unencrypted internal LAN ports.
from a computer running the Fortress Secure Client in the Bridge’s
encrypted zone.
Verify the browser link:
the computer you are using to access the Bridge GUI is in the same
subnet as—or has a network route to—the Bridge’s
IP address.
you are using https (hypertext transfer protocol with Secure Socket
Layer), rather than simple http to connect to the Bridge GUI.
you are using the correct IP address and subnet mask to connect
(the default is, subnet mask
if you just changed Bridge’s IP address, you have closed the browser
window you last used to access the Bridge GUI and opened a new
browser window to access its new address.
Verify the Bridge GUI’s accessibility:
the Bridge GUI has not been disabled in the Bridge CLI.
no one is logged on to the Bridge CLI.
the Bridge’s IP address has not changed.
You are unable to
access the Bridge CLI.
Verify that your serial application is using the correct settings:
bps=38400, data bits=8, parity=none, stop bits=1, flow control=none
If you are connecting directly to the Bridge’s Console port, verify the
physical connections.
If you are connecting remotely, verify that SSH has been enabled
through the Console port. (SSH is disabled by default.)