Fortress Bridge: Command-Line Interface
set snmp -c
Set Contact:OK
Set Location:OK
Set RO Community:OK
Set RW Community:OK
in which contact is the e-mail address to which SNMP event
notifications will be sent, locationName identifies the Fortress
Bridge, roCmntyName identifies the SNMP read-only
community, and rwCmntyName identifies the SNMP read-write
You can include spaces in the location and SNMP community
names by enclosing the input string in quotation marks.
The show snmp and set snmp commands are valid only in GW
(gateway) mode (refer to Section 6.1.1 for more detail).
6.5.3 Viewing the Software Version in the CLI
Display the firmware version currently running on the Fortress
Bridge with the command:
Fortress Interface Shell. Version:
The about command is valid in either AP (access point) mode
or GW (gateway) mode (refer to Section 6.1.1 for more detail).
6.5.4 Restarting the Bridge in the CLI
The reboot command does not power cycle the Bridge.
Restart the Fortress Bridge’s cryptographic processor with
reboot, confirming your intention at the query, as follows:
command ends all
active sessions on the
Fortress Bridge.
Confirm: Reboot device now? [Y|N]
The system is going down NOW !!
Sending SIGTERM to all processes.
stopping watchdog
Sending SIGKILL to all processes.
Please stand by while rebooting the system.
Restarting system.
You can observe the Bridge stop its processor (as shown
above). You can also observe the Fortress Bridge rebooting.
The reboot command is valid in AP (access point) mode, its
VAP (virtual access point) submenu, or in GW (gateway) mode
(refer to Section 6.1.1 for more detail).
6.6 Monitoring and Diagnostics in the CLI6.6.1 Viewing a Summary Overview of the Bridge
Obtain a basic overview of the Bridge configuration—including
hostname, Device ID, encryption, network address, and the
current settings for SSH and GUI access to the Bridge and
user authentication—with the command: