Fortress Bridge: Monitoring and Diagnostics
BYTES - the total number of bytes received/transmitted on
the interface
PACKETS - the total number of packets received/transmitted
on the interface
ERRORS - the total number of receive/transmit errors
reported on the interface
5.1.3 Radio Statistics
RADIO 1 is the tri-band, 802.11a/b/g radio and RADIO 2 is the
higher-gain 802.11a radio.
Signal Strength is measured in real time, in decibels
referenced to milliwatts, and displayed as a dynamic value in
The Signal Strength for a radio with a Radio Mode setting of
Bridge can be static or changing, according to the network
deployment. In a point-to-point deployment, the signal level
being measured is from the only other Bridge in the
deployment, and so it remains constant. In a point-to-multipoint
deployment, the Bridge displays the strength of the signal from
each of the other Bridges in the deployment in rotation, at one-
second intervals.
5.2 TrackingThe Bridge tracks devices in the encrypted zone, including
other Fortress Bridges, any configured Trusted Devices, and
Secure Clients.
Bridge’s Tracking
screen does not display
the Device ID and IP ad-
dresses of devices on a
LAN secured by anoth-
er Fortress controller
device. All such devices
display the IP address
and Device ID of the
controller device secur-
ing them. The MAC ad-
dresses of these devices
display accurately.
The TRACKING screen displays:
MAC Address - the Media Access Control address of the
connected device
Client ID - the Device ID of the connected device, if the
connected device is another Fortress controller device or is
running the Secure Client
State - the state of the device’s connection to the Bridge-
secured network (see Table 5.1, below)
User Name - the user name associated with the device, if a
user is locally configured for the device (This field is absent
when authentication is globally Disabled on the Bridge or
External authentication is selected.)
IP Address - the network address of the device, or,
if the device has been configured to accept any IP address
(from the networks DHCP server)
Computer Name - the hostname of the device on which the
Secure Client is running, if the connected device is another
Fortress controller device or is running the Secure Client
(and has a hostname configured)