Problem | Solution |
| |
TheLCDmonitorgoes | TheLCDmonitor maydarkenwhile theflash charges.Wait for theflashto charge(37), | ||
darkafter shooting. | |||
| ||
Thecameradoesnot | The subject is closeto the camera:Selectmacromode (36), |
| |
focus, | The subject isfar away from the camera:Cancelmacromode( | 36), | |
| The subject is not suitedto autofocus: Usefocuslock(33), |
| |
Macromode isnot |
| |
available | Chooseadifferentshootingmode (24), |
| |
| Thecameraisslow to acquireGPSdata:Sometime maybe neededto acquireGPSdata immedi- | ||
GPS | ately after the cameraor [] LOCATION SEARCH isturned on or if the camerahasbeen | ||
| unableto acquireGPSdatafor anextendedperiod. |
Intelligent FaceDetection Chooseadifferentshootingmode (24), isnot available,
Wrongsubject is selected,
The subject'sface is obscuredby sunglasses,a hat, long hair,or other objects:Remove
the obstructions,
The subject'sface occupies only a small area of the frame: Changethecompositionsothat the subject'sfaceoccupiesa largerareaof the frame(33),
The subject'shead istilted or horizontal: Askthe subjectto holdtheir headstraight,
The camera istilted: Keepthe cameralevel(20),
The subject'sface is poorly lit: Shootin bright light,
Theselectedsubjectiscloser to the centerof the framethan the main subject, Recomposethe )ictureor turnfacedetectionoff andframethe picture usingfocuslock(33),