_oisie_s anti _oi_£ions
Theflashdoesnot fire,
Someflash modesare not available.
Theflashdoesnot fully light thesubject,
Verticallinesappearin pictures,
• Theflash is not available in the current shootingmode: Chooseadifferentshootingmode
( 24),
• Thebattery isexhausted: Chargethe battery orinsertafully-chargedsparebattery( 7),
• Thecamera isin continuousmode:SelectOFF for I_1 CONTINUOUS ( 68),
•Thecamera isin silent mode:Turnsilent modeoff(81),
•Theflash is off (_): Choosea differentflashmode ( 37),
•The desired flash mode is not available in the current shooting mode:Chooseadifferent shootingmode(24),
•The camera isin silent mode: Turnsilent modeoff (81),
•The subject is not in range of the flash: Positionthe subjectin rangeof the flash(109),
•Theflash window isobstructed:Holdthecameracorrectly(20),
• Theprotective glasscovering the lens is dirty: Cleanthe glass( 92),
•Theprotective glasscoveringthe lensis blocked:Keepobjectsawayfrom the lens(20).
•!AF is displayedduring shooting and the focusframe is displayedin red: Checkfocus beforeshooting(99),
•[t',_is displayedduringshooting: Usetheflashor atripod (38),
Thisisnormalwhen slow shutterspeedsare selectedat hightemperaturesand doesnotindicate amalfunction,
Thecamerahasbeenusedcontinuouslyat hightemperatures, Turnthe cameraoff and wait for it to cooldown,