2 Select I_ EDIT in the playback menu and choose from the following options:
CROP Crop the copy.
ASPECTRATIO Choose the aspect ratio.
BRIGHTNESS Adjust brightness.
CONTRAST Adjust contrast.
COLOR Choose positive values for"warmer"colors, negative values for"cooler'colors.
SEPIA Convert the copy to sepia or black and white.
If the original was taken with Intelligent Face Detection, a mosaic effect can
FACEMOSAIC be applied to up to four faces. If Intelligent Face Detection was off or no faces were detected, tile mosaic effect will be applied to tile center of tile
3 Press MENU/ORto create a retouched copy (in some cases, additional options will be displayed; adjust settings as desired and press MENU/ORto save the copy).
_, Retouched copies can not be further retouched, cropped, or rotated. _, Retouched copies are 640x480 pixels in size.