Problem | Solution |
"Smear"inthe form of | Verticalpurple or white linesmayappearafter the camera hasbeenusedcontinuouslyat high | |
vertical purpleor white | temperaturesorwhen averybright object isin theframe; thisphenomenoniscommonto all CCD | |
linesappearsin the | imagesensorsand doesnotindicateamalfunction. Theselinesarerecordedin moviesbut do not | |
display, | appearin photographs,Avoidframing bright objectswhenfilming movies, |
Soundsmadebythe | I_3 TRACKING isselected for l'dilAF MODE: Selecta differentAFmode(69), | |
cameraarerecordedwith Zoom was adjusted during shooting: Donot adjustzoomduringshooting. |
| |
movies, | Intelligent FaceDetection ison: TurnIntelligent FaceDetectionoff (32), |
Playback |
Problem | Solution |
Picturesaregrainy, | Thepictureswere takenwith adifferent makeormodelofcamera, |
Playbackzoomisunavail- |
able, | Thecurrentpictureisa resizedcopywith asizeof I_], |
Nosoundin movie | Playbackvolume istoo low: Adjustplaybackvolume(85), |
| The microphonewas obstructed:Holdthe cameracorrectlyduring recording( | 20,48), |
playback, | The speakeris obstructed: Holdthe cameracorrectlyduring playback(SO), |
Selectedpicturesarenot | Someof the picturesselectedfor deletionareprotected, Removeprotection usingthedevicewith | |
deleted, | which it wasoriginallyapplied(76), |
Filenumberingis | ||
unexpectedlyreset, | openingthe |
.... | _ | 97 |