The following types of indicator may be displayed during shooting and play- back. Indicators vary with camera settings.
• Shooting
| Movie quality | 48 |
| Numberof availableframes | 106 |
| Sensitivity | 64 |
| Imagesizeand quality | 65,66 |
® |
| FINEPIXcolor | 66 |
| White balance | 67 |
| Battery level | 5 |
| DualISmode | 86 |
| GPSsignalstrength | 29 |
| Exposurecompensation | 35 |
Shootingmode | 24 | Dateandtime | 18 |
IntelligentFaceDetectionindicator | 32 | Blurwaming | 38,99 |
Continuousshootingmode | 68 | Focuswarning | 21,99 |
Silentmodeindicator | 3, 81 | 39 | |
Focusframe | 33 | 36 | |
Internalmemoryindicator |
| Flashmode | 37 |
_ll_: indicatesthat nomemorycardisinsertedandthat pictureswill bestoredinthecameraginternalmemory(11).