_Warninq Messages and Displays
The following warnings aredisplayed in the LCDmonitor:
Warning |
| Description | ||
(red) | Lowbattery. Chargethe battery(7) | ||||
(blinksred) | Batteryexhausted.Chargethe battery(7) | or | |||
| Slow shutterspeed.Picturesmaybeblurred;usethe flashoratripod. | ||||
!AF | Thecameracannotfocus. Tryone of thefollowing solutions: | ||||
Usefocuslockto focusonanothersubject at the samedistance,then recomposethe picture | |||||
(displayedin redwith red | |||||
( | 33). |
| ||
focusframe) |
| |||
Usemacromodeto focuswhentaking | |||||
Apertureorshutter speed Thesubjectistoobright ortoo darkand thepicturewill
displayedin red | isdark,usetheflash (37). | |
FOCUSERROR | Cameramalfunction. Turnthe cameraoff andthen onagain,taking carenotto touchthe lens.If | |
the messagepersists,contacta FUJIFILMdealer, | ||
| ||
| The memory cardor internal memory isnot formatted or the memory card was for- | |
| matted in a computer or other device:Formatthememorycardorinternalmemoryusing | |
CARDNOTINITIALIZED the [] FORMAT option inthe camerasetupmenu (82). | ||
| The memory card contacts require cleaning: Cleanthe contactswith a soft,dry cloth. If | |
| the messageisrepeated,format thecard(_ 82). If the messagepersists,replacethe card. | |
| Camera malfunction: ContactaFUJIFILMdealer, | |
PROTECTEDCARD | Thememorycardislocked.Unlockthe card(11). | |
BUSY | Thememorycardisincorrectlyformatted. Usethecamerato format the card(82). |