DKVM network configuration | Initial Browser Setup of the BX600 |
Virtual Media Port | : 50002 |
Video Port | : 50003 |
3.4 Internet Browser Security Settings
To configure the IE6 browser with recommended security settings:
Click on the Tools menu of the IE6 menu.
Click on Internet Options of the Tools menu.
Click the Advanced tab of the Internet Options dialog.
Figure 2: Internet Explorer 6 Internet Options Advanced Dialog
Click the Restore Defaults button to assure the Security settings are appropriate for accessing the FSC BX600 Server Blade Chassis.
Make sure the box labeled Do not save encrypted pages to disk is not checked. Click OK.
3.5MMB and DKVM certificate integration into the IE6 browser’s store of trusted sites
The MMB embedded web server is an SSL enabled web server. When a web browser connects to an SSL enabled web server, the server sends the browser its SSL certificate. The web browser uses it to verify that the web server is actually the MMB server to whom the browser intended to communicate.
Each SSL certificate has paired with it a private key. That private key is kept secret by the legitimate web server, and it is never shared with anyone. No web server can use