Operation Physical L-
Server Virtual L-Server Reference
Moving L-Servers between VM hosts
(migration) No Yes Refer to "17.7 Migration of VM Hosts between
Allocating resources to L-Servers Yes Yes Refer to " Allocating Resources".
Releasing resources from L-Servers Yes Yes For details, refer to " Releasing
Changing physical server usage Yes No Refer to "17.9 Changing Physical Server Usage".
*1: Only possible when using SAN boot.
*2: IP addresses and network resources of virtual L-Servers can only be changed when the server's status is defined.
*3: When using Solaris containers, L-Servers cannot be operated.
*4: When using RHEL-Xen, operation is possible.
*5: When using VMware, operation is possible.
*6: When using Hyper-V, operation is possible.
-Operations for an L-Server included in an L-Platform using the ROR console and commands have limits. Use of the console and
moving of an L-Server (migration) between VM hosts are only possible when using the ROR console. Use of commands and moving
of an L-Server (migration) between VM hosts are only possible when using the ROR console.
-When an L-Platform is included in a resource folder or a tenant, the L-Server under the L-Platform is not the target of batch power
-When operating a physical server or a VM guest related to an L-Server using the server tree on the ROR console or using commands,
consider also the effects on L-Servers.
17.1 Power OperationsThis section explains the power operations of L-Servers.
17.1.1 Starting an L-Server
This section explains how to startup an L-Server.
Use the following procedure to start an L-Server:
1. Right-click the target L-Server in the orchestration tree, and select [Power]-[ON] from the popup menu.
The confirmation dialog is displayed.
2. Click <OK>.
The L-Server is started.
On an L-Server for which only a configuration definition has been created (defined), server and disk resources will be allocated, and after
image deployment is performed (when a cloning image has been specified), the L-Server will be started.
On an L-Server which has been released (preserved), server resources will be allocated and started.
For details on the statuses when configuration definitions have been created (defined), servers have been released (preserved), and resources
have been allocated (allocated), refer to "17.8 Allocating and Releasing Resources to L-Servers".
From the command-line, execute rcxadm lserver start.
For details on the rcxadm lserver start command, refer to "3.6 rcxadm lserver" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".
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