Untagged VLAN
Select whether or not to use untagged VLAN for a NIC or a NIC group.
3. Click <OK>.
From the command-line, execute rcxadm lserver modify.
For details on the rcxadm lserver modify command, refer to "3.6 rcxadm lserver" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".
For Virtual L-Servers
Use the rcxadm lserver attach and detach commands for adding and deleting NICs.
For details on the rcxadm lserver attach command, refer to "3.6 rcxadm lserver" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE".
17.3 Using the L-Server ConsoleThis section explains how to use peripheral devices from an L-Server.
When installing an OS after creating an L-Server and performing L-Server maintenance, the L-Server console can be obtained.
When performing usual operations, or the console cannot be obtained, log in to an L-Server through the network.
Network Connection Example
Remote desktop connection
SSH connection
Prerequisites for Console Connections
When using a console connection, the prerequisites differ depending on the server type of the L-Server used.
-For Physical L-Servers
When the hardware is PRIMERGY, and the iRMC video console redirection function can be used, connection to the console is possible.
For console connection, use functions of ServerView Operations Manager.
For details on ServerView Operations Manager, refer to " Required Software" in the "Design Guide CE".
-For Virtual L-Servers
On VMware and Hyper-V, when an admin client is installed, and communication between admin clients and VM hosts is possible,
connection of the console is possible.
[Oracle VM] [KVM] [Xen] [Solaris Containers]
The console cannot be connected to through the ROR console.
For console connection, use admin client functions. Check if the console connection is possible from the admin client in advance.
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