SNMP Community
Enter the SNMP community that was set on this LAN switch.
Either select [public] or enter an arbitrary string.
Enter a string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
3. Click <OK>.
Resource Orchestrator starts scanning for LAN switches within the specified network range.
Discovered LAN switches will be displayed under the network device tree with the status [[Unregistered]].
1. In the ROR console network device tree, right-click a discovered LAN switch, and select [Register]-[LAN Switch] from the popup
The [Register LAN Switch] dialog is displayed.
2. To use this feature, the following settings must first be defined:
LAN switch name
Enter the name to assign to this LAN switch blade.
Enter up to 32 characters, including alphanumeric characters (upper or lower case), underscores ("_"), hyphens ("-"), or periods
By default, the name of a discovered LAN switch will be set to its system name or to its IP address if the system name could
not be detected.
SNMP Community
Enter the SNMP community that was set on this LAN switch.
Either select [public] or enter an arbitrary string.
Enter a string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
3. Click <OK>.
The registered LAN switch will be displayed in the network device tree.
It is possible to set an automatically detected IP address to another unregistered LAN switch. However, this will result in the Resource
Orchestrator configuration being inconsistent with the actual network configuration.
If a LAN switch was registered with the IP address of another network device, delete the registered LAN switch following the instructions
given in "9.4.2 Deleting LAN Switches and Network Devices", then perform Discover and Register again.
5.5.3 HBA address rename SettingsUse the following procedure to configure HBA address rename settings.
When creating a physical L-Server using a rack mount server, the following procedure is not necessary.
Only the HBA address rename setup service is necessary.
Refer to "Chapter 10 Settings for the HBA address rename Setup Service" in the "Setup Guide CE".
The HBA address rename function allows the admin server to control the WWNs set on a managed server's HBAs. Since the admin server
carried over these settings when performing maintenance on or switching managed servers, it is not necessary to set the storage side
configuration again.
Use of the HBA address rename function requires registering specific settings for each managed server in advance.
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