How to operate the MP3 player
How to operate the MP3 player
It is assumed here that a CD has already been loaded into the unit.
About MP3
The making of MP3 files by recording from sources such as broadcasts, ATTENTION records, recordings, videos and live performances without permission from the copyright holder for uses other than personal enjoyment is
What is MP3?
MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer III) is a standard format for audio compression technology. By using MP3, a file can be compressed to
This unit has limitations on MP3 file standards and recorded media and formats that can be used.
Playable MP3 file standards
•Supported standards:
•Supported sampling frequencies: 32, 44.1, 48 (kHz)
•Supported bit rate: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144,
160, 192, 224, 256, 320 (kbps) *Supports VBR.
*Does not support free format.
*Bit rates vary for
•Supported channel modes: stereo, joint stereo, dual channel, monaural
ID3 tags
MP3 files have an "ID3 Tag" that allows input of information so that data such as song title and artist can be saved.
This unit supports ID3v.1.0 and ID3v.1.1 tags.