6.3 User Authentication by PIN

6.3 User Authentication by PIN

PIN authentication is equipped as an alternative to injured users or users with difficulties in fingerprint authentication.

1.When "Place your finger on the sensor" is displayed on the fi-5000N Message Display (this indicates the "Logout" status), open the cover and press the [ID] key.

The "Select User" screen appears as follows.

Select User 1(user's name) 2(user's name) 3(user's name)

2. Select the registered user with the [K], [L] keys, and press the [ENT] key.

You can also select the registered user by entering user ID number:


1. With the keyboard, enter the user ID number.

2. Press the [ENT] key.

The name of the user to log in will appear selected.

3. Press the [ENT] key again.

The next screen appears, and the PIN is prompted.




Authentication User

3. Enter the user’s PIN, and press the [ENT] key.

If the PIN does not match, the message "The PIN is incorrect" appears, and you are prompted to enter again.

4. If the PIN matches, the login screen appears.

(user's name)

Load the documents

onto scanner & press

[Scan]/[Send to]

fi-5000N Operator’s Guide