C120-E360-06EN 3-9
3.2 setrcic
The following options are supported:
The following operands are supported:
zWhen the setrci(8) command or setrcic(8) command is being executed on another
host in the RCI network, do not execute the setrcic(8) command.
zWhen the setrcic(8) command is executed, set all RCI units that are connected to
RCI into the power-on state or standby state.
zExecuting the setrcic(8) command on a model that does not support the RCI
function causes an error to occur.
-c exrdy
Sets the EXRDY monitoring timeout period of the specified external
power control devices. Set the EXRDY monitoring timeout period in
units of minutes for time. If 0 is specified, EXRDY monitoring is
disabled. If time is omitted, the EXRDY monitoring timeout period is
-c opcalldisp Displays the status of the operator call signals of the specified external
power control devices.
-c opcallon
Sets the operator call signals of the specified external power control
devices on. Setting is made for the devices corresponding to the bits of
callNo that contain "1".
-c opcalloff
Sets the operator call signals of the specified external power control
devices off. Setting is made for the devices corresponding to the bits of
callNo that contain "1".
-h Displays usage statement. When used with other options or operands, an
error occurs.
RCI_address Specifies a target RCI address. A value in any of the following ranges
can be specified for RCI_address:
time Sets the EXRDY monitoring timeout period when "-c exrdy" is specified
in units of minutes. Any decimal integer number ranging from 0 to 85
can be specified.
callNo Specifies operator call information. A two-digit hexadecimal number
can be specified.