3. Check the image data of the scanned business cards in the Cardiris window.
[Card Style] button
[Format] button [Send] button
Card toolbar
The images of each business card are displayed on the right.A list of already scanned business cards is displayed on the left. Under the image, the recognized characters are displayed.
Card image
Recongition result
To scan business card of a different language from the one set with the [Card Style] button, change the language setting in the Cardiris window before scanning.
4.Should there be any recognition errors, correct the data manually.Correct misrecognized characters.
To register the recognized characters of a scanned business cards in the Address Book, perform the following procedure.
5.Click the [Format] button or select [Settings] - [Output Format] on the menu bar.
⇒The following window appears.ScanSnap S510M Getting Started 26